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Welcome to the Kitisilano Yacht Club, the home of Canadian 5O5 Fleet One.

Phil, Friday

The 5O5 is a thrilling two-person boat that combines a sleek, high-performance hull with a powerful sail plan and one trapeze. Whether you’re sailing in light or strong winds, the 5O5 will give you an exhilarating ride. You’ll start planing in just 10 knots of wind and enjoy the speed and agility of this amazing boat.

The 5O5 is a One-Design class that focuses on the aspects that affect boat speed the most. The hull shape and sail plan are strictly controlled, while the rigging layout, spars, and foils are open for customization. This allows you to set up the boat to suit your preferences and sailing style. You can also adjust the shrouds, forestay, and mast ram while racing to optimize your performance in different conditions. The 5O5 is a boat that rewards skill and strategy, not just equipment.

The 5O5 is built to last, using either fibreglass/polyester or epoxy resin/Kevlar and honeycomb composite materials. Both types are equally competitive when new, but epoxy composite boats can still win major championships after many years of use. The ideal sailing weight varies with the local conditions, but most successful racers have a combined weight near 340 lbs. The boat can be sailed by anyone who loves speed and excitement. Two boats with women skippers have won North American titles.

The best way to experience the 5O5 is to take a ride. 5O5 sailors are friendly people who love to share their passion for sailing. We have active fleets throughout the world, including Europe, U.K., Australia, and many other countries and regions. Just contact the 5O5 fleet at KYC and we’ll arrange a ride for you. You’ll never want to sail anything else again.


The 5O5 class was started in 1954 when the French Yachting Association decided to establish a new One-Design racing class. The boat was designed by John Westell of Britain and has not changed since then. The class expanded rapidly and became an official International class in 1955. Today, there are over 9200 boats registered in 18 countries.

Join us at the Kitsilano Yacht Club and discover the thrill of sailing a 5O5. You’ll find a welcoming community of sailors who are eager to help you learn and improve your skills. You’ll also enjoy our racing events, social activities, and learning opportunities. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you’ll find a place at KYC.